Naveex Educational

Naveex Educational – Learn and simulate how organizations are managed with XRM systems

In the current business environment, office skills no longer meet the IT skills criteria that employees should have. Word and Excel are great tools, but in knowledge-intensive companies, knowledge of XRM systems are essential work competences. We believe that mere user-based training is not enough, as success requires also a deeper understanding of the reasons for the use of XRM system and its importance for the business.

Naveex Educationalâ„¢ Offer schools and training organizations a simulation environment to offer a XRM learning environment on the use of cutting edge XRM solutions preferred by businesses all over the world and XRM competences relevant in the working life

With our developed training structure, schools can provide 5-30 ECTs  study modules on customer relationship management, enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. The study module has been developed in cooperation with educational professionals. Study units or training contents are designed in cooperation with the educational institution to serve their curriculum in the best possible way.

We work closely with educational institutions and if your institution or organization would like to hear more about this, please contact us by email at